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Writer's pictureDr. Cindy Kao

Anxiety versus Productivity

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

Anxiety originally existed as an emotion that favored the prepared. If you bring sharp sticks when hunting, it will increase your chance of surviving.

Or, be wary of any and all berries, since John Doe dropped dead after having one.

However, as time has moved on, the scenarios have shifted slightly: If you fill your car with gas, you won't be stranded in the middle of nowhere. But, the energy that sustained the need to prepare has evolved into a never-ending cycle that masquerades as productivity. That low grade level of motivation of a schoolmate racing alongside you in a relay that encourages you to run faster - translates into imaginary fears of comparisons with person's unknown. You finish packing for a trip, but spend hours agonizing over what you might have forgotten - all the while traveling to a location with a handy CVS or Walgreens nearby.

Harnessing our nervous system is key to reminding ourselves "there is no danger with imminent death as the ultimate unequivocal consequence" - aka - there is no bear.

Let us utilize tools of mindfulness, cognitive strategies, and coping strategies to take charge of your life.

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